Monday, August 09, 2010

Walking with Superman: Day 19

Wisconsin is home to many cheeses: cheddar, Camembert, brie, and Big Red? That's right, Captain Marvel joins Superman in the Badger State for a charity Bratwurst-Eating Contest. It's stomach against stomach as the Mouth of Steel goes up against the Constitution of Hercules, but it's not all wine and roses (especially since Cap's underage!) when the Sivana Family crashes the competition! Cheese, Steel, Brats, and brainiacs--why, you never sausage a fight! (Groan)


Anonymous said...

These are all absolutely fantastic. Shame they are not attracting more comments.

Tom Foss said...

Thanks, Cobretti! I do wish it was getting a little more attention, but we're still early in the series, and there's plenty of time for people to take notice. Feel free to spread the word!