Has this been happening all along? Is this just the first I've noticed it? Or did someone drop the H/L ball for this issue (or would that be the "bahh for tlis issue")?
Also, what's up with Wildfire being Red Tornado? When did that happen? Wikipedia's entry on Wildfire doesn't mention it at all, and it doesn't seem to make sense given Wildfire's origin, power set, and whatnot.
But, aside from all that, fantastic ending. Too bad it's such a kick in the crotch for the other big finale this week.
Edit: Just thought I'd let David Brothers, --J--, and Erin Palette (and anyone else who's interested) know that I posted their questions in the comments to this post, so they can make with the interviewing.
No, the Wildfire/Red Tornado thing doesn't make sense. I wonder whose stupid idea it was. The Wildfire suit is supposed to be a container for his anti-energy; Red Tornado's body is a robot. As I've said elsewhere before, it's like the difference between a balloon and a windup toy.
But I find myself wondering if this has anything to do with the 'Red Inferno' that T.O. Morrow mentioned at the start of 52...
Maybe the LL thing is a hint for the identity of the hero/villain.
Lex Luthor considers himself to be the hero (of his life story)
Ok, Wally's back, which is good, but he's confused, and Bart is dead, which is bad, and Barry is wherever Barry is, and I'm HIGHLY confused.
IS Bart really dead? Braniac seemed to be awfully...cryptic there at the end.
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