Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Happy Bloggiversary, Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin!

Um, so, usually when a blog I read regularly and really enjoy has a Bloggiversary, I put together a post that's light on text but heavy on links to articles they've done in the past that I really enjoy.

Well, Mike Sterling, ever the industrious blogger, has gone and done my job for me. And of course, with three years of high-profile comic blogging experience under his belt, he has done it far better than I ever would have.

I could gush, but I'll just say that every day, I find something at Progressive Ruin that I enjoy. And I've never even really gone looking through the archives. I'd say you should go if you haven't been there, but who am I kidding? Everyone in the comics blogohedron has been to Progressive Ruin.

And for good reason.

Mr. Sterling, you are an inspiration to us all. Keep up the great work!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tom! It's much appreciated.

I hope you don't mind, but I added a bit of this to my rotating "What Other People Are Saying" quote-a-matic.

Tom Foss said...

I can't imagine why I would mind. I like being a part of most things that contain the suffix "-a-matic"!

Thanks for dropping by and gracing my lowly blog with your awesome high-class blogging presence. You've totally upped the property value around here.

So, here's to many more years of unending entertainment!